Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Weak links and strong links

Now that I have started writing lists every day of what I should do - not because I am organised, but because otherwise I will forget, I realise how many balls I have juggling in the air. I wanted to write down everything I do to compare with my initial daily list, but I couldn't even find the spare paper to do it.... Pathetic in a way.....
I am desperate to finish the Malawi report before leaving for the UK on Monday so that I can leave my beloved laptop here and really take a break (even from blogging and writing). But I haven't even started really writing yet, so I can see another week-end going in the bin....
Where have I encountered God today? In Maree over lunch, in John while we both commiserate over the Bishops (CoE) Open Letter, in Olaf when he comes home late this evening, miaowing in the bushes along the railroad line across the road, in Keith while we go shopping together. Olaf now lies contentedly next to me on the sofa - this room is our together room.
Over lunch I tell Maree about the appalling behaviour Kenneth Kearon has exhibited. She is very angry. I keep on thinking that the negative reactions I get from others like Roy T, John Beach or Kenneth Kearon are due to the fact that they are looking for a weak link. Maree makes me aware of the fact that it may well be the opposite: they are reacting viscerally to a strong link. More to think of as I prepare to meet John Beach tomorrow on my turf in my office. By that time the Association for Haiti will have been set up.